About Me
Hi! My name is Jaslyn McKinley, but you can call me Jazzy! I'm a training gymnast going into my 2nd year of competing gymnastics.
I am the oldest of two kids. I was born and raised in the Orlando, FL area. I have been home schooled my entire life. My favorite subjects in school are math and science; my least favorite is reading. I was raised in the church which helped me to develop a strong belief and relationship with God. I believe He has allowed me to come this far in gymnastics in a short period of time. I started dance at the age of 3 with a focus in ballet. At the age of 6 I was introduced to gymnastics through a homeschool program. I did that for 3 months and then COVID happened. I took a 3 year break and I started gymnastics in July 2022 as a Pre-Team gymnast. I quickly elevated to a Level 3 Silver in the Fall of 2022. I'm currently training in Florida as a Level 5 Gold. I love gymnastics and performing for the crowd. My dream is to attend the University of Florida as a gymnast and even compete in the Olympics. My favorite apparatuses are Uneven Bars and Floor Exercise. I have two dogs, two fish and one guinea pig. The one person other than my parents that I know I can forever depend on is my little brother.
I absolutely love America Girl and Lego Friend. My favorite color is pink. My favorite artist is Rihanna. My favorite TV show is Wednesday. My favorite hobbies outside gymnastic is dance with a focus ballet, hip hop and jazz, love swimming, arts and crafts and other outside activities. My favorite activity would be the trampoline park, theme parks, hanging with friends and family, doing hair and makeup. I am a flexitarian & will occasionally eat chicken but only from Chipotle. My favorite foods are pasta and bread. I love Sprite and Vitamin Water. My biggest fear is a natural disaster. My favorite holidays would be Christmas and Halloween. I have a passion to help the homeless and people that are less fortunate than myself.
My family is my biggest support system. The person I admire the most is my mom because she wakes up in the morning does what she has to do, even though my brother and I get on her nerves she still loves us. I aspire to follow in my daddy’s footsteps and become a pharmacist. My mom, brother and myself spend each day doing some sort of exercise such running, light weights and yoga. Outside of training at the gym, I also attend D1 Training in Orlando, FL. I work with a coach that helps me become more confident, helps flexibility, strength and endurance. This training serves a bridge between what I’m currently learning with my coaches at Spirit Gymnastics.
Simone Biles, Gabrielle Douglas and Trinity Thomas are 3 gymnasts that I look up to. I have had the pleasure of meeting Trinity Thomas on serval occasions. The first time being when she was one of the host gymnasts at Camp for a Cause at my gym in Summer 2022. The second time was at Lights, Camera and Action hosted by Quatro in Tampa, FL. Lastly I attended my first Gators Meet, it was at that moment that I knew that I wanted to a collegiate gymnast.

the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
Please come join the Jazzy Clan as I embark on this long journey!
Quotes to Myself
"If I trust that I can do it, I can as long as I truly believe I can with my whole heart."
"My personal goal is not for people to remember my name but to remember me for the changes that I’ve made in the world"
Quotes That Inspire Me
“Today, do what others won't so tomorrow you can accomplish what others can't." - Simone Biles
"Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!" - Author Unknown
Scripture That Inspires Me
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6